Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Over the summer we took another trip to Florida. This time we went to Destin. Sofia didn't like the sand! I thought she would love it, roll around in it, try to eat it and laugh. Maybe next time :-)

Summer 2012
Destin, Florida
My two loves
My little model. Three top teeth came in during this trip.

Beautiful sunset

I took my mom and Sofia to Discovery Green Park. It was so HOT! When my mom would walk in the shade Sofia would get excited. I quickly grabbed camera and took this pic of them. I (Heart) this pic.
Sofia at 11 months! How does time do it?!?! Time totally flies when you're a mommy!


  1. Im glad we are getting to see pics, they look great! Miss you guys.

  2. Love that pic of her and your mom! SO sweet!!!
