Wednesday, October 12, 2011

She's late for an important date! :-)

This is a pic of me yesterday, 10/11/11, Sofia's due date.
Is she here? No...Miss Thang is gonna be late. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. This is teaching me that I need to quit being late to things, not cool.
I have to admit, I've been late to a lot of things (school classes, work, showers, birthdays, dinners, lunches, weddings, airport trips, dates, church...jeez I'm terrible). This experience will def. change that :-) No more excuses (my biggest excuse has been my thick hair, it takes forever to dry!).
So when will she make her debut? This week, this weekend, on her Tia Angie's & Mimi's bday, 10/20/11? I hope not that long...but it's whenever God has it planned. Oh and of course I'm learning about patience.
Whenever you're good and ready Miss Sofia, I'm sure it'll be a fabulous appearance. I'm gonna teach you about punctuality since I've been a terrible role model about that:-)
And to everyone who's ever had to wait on me (especially my poor husband) I'M SORRY!!!


  1. You think you're late to things now... Haha just wait til you're feeding, changing & packing up a baby! ;) but you will have an excuse then! Btw you are the most awesome looking prego ever! All baby, looking amazing! Hurry up Sofia.. We are dying to see your sweet lil face!!!

  2. sofia isnt late, youre just early!

  3. Better late then never! Good thing is she here, and I cant wait to see her !!
