Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Busy Baby!"

We don't have the results just yet but we have a few pics from ultra sound. It was so much fun seeing our baby yesterday! The tech kept saying "busy baby!"
Eric and I saw baby Brady do flips, nod, wave a hand, wave both hands, kick feet and even saw it's tush! The baby was making all 3 of us laugh. I'm supposed to be 11 weeks but the tech said I'm measuring 12 weeks.
The ultrasound lasted a good 10-15 minutes and I enjoyed every minute. I couldn't help but laugh out loud every time I saw the baby do something crazy. At one point, the baby just turned and it was looking at us head on. Too funny!
So I'll be the first person to find out what the baby's sex will be. I want to tell Eric and my mom what it is in some cute little way.

1 comment:

  1. he or she better be busy so they can keep up w/their cousins! :) i can't wait to hear. love that lil busy bee so much already!!!
